TAG : Athletes
97th Boxing National Championship from 23rd at Galle mouth
Colombo South and Kandy registered wins on the second day of the Under 17 Sri...
97 වැනි බොක්සිං ජාතික ශූරතාව 23 වැනිදා සිට ගාලු මුවදොරදී
Colombo South and Kandy registered wins on the second day of the Under 17 Sri...
Sri Lanka's Tavi is ranked 11th in the international table tennis rankings
Colombo South and Kandy registered wins on the second day of the Under 17 Sri...
ජාත්යන්තර මේසපන්දු ශ්රේණිගත කිරීමේ 11 වැනි තැන ශ්රී ලංකාවේ ටාවිට
Colombo South and Kandy registered wins on the second day of the Under 17 Sri...
Viren wins gold in Yonex Bangladesh International Badminton Tournament
Colombo South and Kandy registered wins on the second day of the Under 17 Sri...
යොනෙක්ස් බංග්ලාදේශ ජාත්යන්තර බැඩ්මින්ටන් තරගාවලියේදී විරේන්ට රන් පදක්කම
Colombo South and Kandy registered wins on the second day of the Under 17 Sri...
2024 Mr. Sri Lanka Bodybuilding Tournament
Colombo South and Kandy registered wins on the second day of the Under 17 Sri...
2024 මිස්ටර් ශ්රී ලංකා කායවර්ධන තරගාවලිය
Colombo South and Kandy registered wins on the second day of the Under 17 Sri...
South Asian Junior Athletics Tournament 2024
Colombo South and Kandy registered wins on the second day of the Under 17 Sri...
දකුණු ආසියානු කණිෂ්ඨ මළල ක්රීඩා තරගාවලිය2024
Colombo South and Kandy registered wins on the second day of the Under 17 Sri...
Olympic marathon champion burned to death
Colombo South and Kandy registered wins on the second day of the Under 17 Sri...
ඔලිම්පික් මැරතන් ශූරිය ගිනි තබා මරා දමලා
Colombo South and Kandy registered wins on the second day of the Under 17 Sri...